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Sunday, 14 August 2016

Lowongan PT. Mitsubishi Chemical Indonesia Agustus 2016

PT. Mitsubishi chemical merupakan  sebuah perusahaan multinasional yang berlokasi di Cilegon Banten, saat ini kami membuka lowongan untuk posisi HR STRATEGIC  SUPERVISOR.

Bagi anda yang memiliki pengalaman dan memenuhi kualifikasi sebagai berikut dipersilahkan untuk mengajukan surat lamaran, adapun kualifikasi Lowongan PT. Mitsubishi Chemical Indonesia Agustus 2016 adalah sebagai berikut:


- Pria
- S-1 Psikologi atau Manajemen / Magister
- Pengalaman 5 tahun di HR Fungsi/HR strategis atau konsultan
- Bersedia di tempatkan di Merak - Banten

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Lowongan PT. Mitsubishi Chemical Indonesia Agustus 2016

  • Following the changing of strategic business strategy, execute cultural transformation program as planned to ensure the achievement of those company strategic objectives
  • Give inputs to HCO SM in defining HCO functional objectives related to HC strategic function that is in line with company strategic objectives to ensure the sustainable contribution & services of HCO function in organization
  • Define required HCO Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) related to HC strategic function to ensure the execution of objectives are properly managed in term of QSHE objectives, time frame and budget/cost wise
  • Study the concept of HCO management system in literature and benchmark, and give input to HCO SM for better HCO implementation in the company to ensure  best contribution of human capital in organization
  • Execute the implementation of succession plan program as planned, including talent management program to ensure the availability of Leaders and key persons in the organization.
  • Coordinate the organization development process with other sections/ divisions, such as review of organization structure & job description, to keep the effectiveness of business process in achieving company strategic objectives
  • Engage in making continuous improvement of HCO business operation in the area of recruitment, training & development, employees’ assessment, compensation benefits and employees’ relations
  • Manage the knowledge management program. Integrate and utilize all systems in the company such as training & development, e-learning, company communication media etc to ensure learning & performance based organization
  • Manage company surveys and employees feedback system such as employees opinion survey, section/division communication meetings etc. Analyze the result as an input for HCO SM to ensure continuous improvement of HCO program and procedure
  • Perform other tasks that are assigned by HCO SM.

Bagi anda yang berminat untuk melamar Lowongan PT. Mitsubishi Chemical Indonesia Agustus 2016 untuk bagian HR STRATEGIC  SUPERVISOR, silahkan untuk melamar dengan mengirimkan surat lamaran, CV, serta foto terbaru ke alamat kami, 

Jl. Raya Merak Desa Gerem

Kec. Grogol, Kota Cilegon 
Banten 42438 - Indonesia 

Lowongan PT. Mitsubishi Chemical Indonesia Agustus 2016 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Kelleus


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